The Newman Association
Useful Information
For Circles

The booklet Towards Better Practice is a guide to encourage better practice in running a Newman Circle. It also gives the background of the Association and indicates the way that it is managed nationally, together with key texts. This guide is especially intended to make life easier for new Circle committee members and so to encourage members to serve on Committee.
The Council of the Newman Association commends the Guide to Circles. To download a pdf version of this booklet just click on the name above.


Association Documents
Newman Association CIO Constitution

Safeguarding Documents
Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Procedure
Web Links to Related Organisations

The Newman Association has many links within this country and internationally, and representatives attend conferences around the world.

Synod 2021-2024

Synod webpage
Instrumentum Laboris for October 2024

Pax Romana

Pax Romana
The Association is a member of Pax Romana, the international Catholic “movement for intellectual and cultural affairs”. Pax Romana is a recognised non-Governmental organisation accredited to the United Nations in New York and Vienna as well as to UNESCO. The Newman Association’s International Committee acts as a focus for contacts with the Pax Romana headquarters in Switzerland. Pax Romana organises regular conferences and assemblies that give opportunities for stimulating discussion about aspects of faith in contemporary life.

NBCW - The National Board of Catholic Women

NBCW - The National Board of Catholic Women
The National Board of Catholic Women has had links with The Newman Association for a long time and has a strong theological base. The Association uses its wide network to give active support to the NBCW’s work. The Board provides the Association with women’s perspectives on theological issues and spirituality. The Newman Association values the Board’s links with national Catholic bodies; and its membership of secular organisations such as the National Council of Women helps to ensure that the informed views of Catholic women are heard in secular society.

NCLA - The National Council for Lay Associations

NCLA - The National Council for Lay Associations
The National Council for Lay Associations is consulted by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. The NCLA aims to respond to requests from the Bishops Conference and to bring matters of concern to the laity to their attention. It also acts as a forum for discussion and networking among lay organisations including the Newman Association.


International Catholic College for Theology, Philosophy, Religious Education and Catechesis.
Andante is a network of Catholic women’s (and men and women’s) organisations in Europe, representing a total membership of approximately 1,2 million women. It is a platform for Catholic women to express their ideas, to discuss them frankly and with trust. The Association is a member of Andante, our representatives are women and the issues we raise concern women.


Other useful Links:
Catholic Aid for Overseas Development

Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales

Catholic Bishops Conference of Scotland Media Office

See the John Henry Newman page for links to sites about Cardinal Newman.

Copyright @ The Newman Association 2014

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